
The term 'Kinesiology' sometimes described as the Science of Human Movement took on the meaning of the science of muscle testing with the focus on balancing the potential of a person. 

Kinesiology is a technique used to assess nutritional status on the basis of the response of the muscles to mechanical stress by identifying nutritional excess or deficiency with muscle testing we can locate which area of the body and energy systems which are being effected and find the correct diet and nutritional supplementation to support the body to rebalance itself. 

To identify the root causes and underlying reasons behind ill health and identify natural ways to bring the body into balance we can muscle test for 

  • Food sensitivities and intolerances
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies 
  • Meridian imbalances
  • Health conditions
  • Homeopathy
  • Hydration
  • Protein deficiency

I do not diagnose, these techniques are used to assist the bodies own natural healing ability. 


Applied Kinesiology - Muscle Testing

The body is made up of trillions of cells consisting of bones, muscles, organs and glands which are interconnected via energy circuits of nerves, lymphatics, energy meridians and blood vessels.

The theory behind muscle testing is that the circuits shut down due to imbalances or are blocked by illness, injury or toxin overload. So by balancing the bodies energies, the systems are able to heal returning you rapidly to a state of health. Muscle testing allows you to determine what makes your body strong or weak via the strength and weakness, you can determine what supplements and foods are helpful for your body and what are not. With this information you are empowered to make health decisions that are effective for your own bio individuality.

 This type of testing is included in our Initial consult.

  • Acute Consultation

    Overview of acute symptoms including functional testing and a herbal and nutritional supplementation prescription.

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  • Initial Consultation

    Comprehensive analysis of past and present health concerns with functional testing and discussion of health goals.

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  • Kickstarter Package

    This package is for those who are committed to their health journey and seeing results.

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